Ever have someone admonish you to "stay focused," "zero in," or "Stay on task?" Ever wonder why you have a short attention span, find it hard to just drift off to sleep or stay asleep? Ever wonder why your view of the world sometimes seems a bit skewed compared to a lot of other folks? Well, despite what worried relatives and armchair physicians may tell you, those are all symptoms of a condition known as escritorus profundus (okay, I made that up. Sorry).
Look, the fact is that you're a WRITER (or other creative person), and you simply cannot see the world as others do. In fact, one can argue that it's your job to see and experience the world differently than ordinary folks. A writer should see the world at a slant, or at least through slightly "slitted" eyes. The world is chock full of mysteries, wonders, and splendors that can only be seen or appreciated by a writer's sideways stare. Really, you know that your perspective is unique; folks have probably been hinting that to you all your life.
So don't try to make your view of the world match everybody else's, don't try to tamp down your enthusiasm for the tilted, skewed, unpopular, or unusual. Step out of conformity and into yourself. Embrace the writer in you that must look at the world sideways to make it work.
Sideways can be beautiful.😃
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