
award-winning crime thriller by Arnaldo Lopez Jr.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Is your writing sickly?😷

There are writers out there, even some very successful ones, whose writing is in desperate need of a transfusion. Or vitamins. Or first aid. Or something!
  Why, you may wonder, do I say this? Because  as a writer it's not enough to simply put words to paper. In order to get your readers fully engaged, your writing must be too! You must inject those pesky blank pages, whether prose or poetry, with life! Your reader should find that your words are healthy, perky, and full of life. If not, your reader will quickly lose interest in your anemic writing and move on to more robust fare. Too many writers, and this is totally understandable but wholly unforgiveable, are more interested in having written than in the actual act of writing. So the writer gets lazy or loses interest, and just goes through the motion of putting words to paper without the requisite passion required for a reader to invest in it. Thus, this writing simply limps along in an unhealthy manner until it expires with a dusty wheeze of unrealized potential.
  Below are five ways you can diagnose whether or not your writing is sickly:
1. It bores you - If you're tired of your own writing, chances are good that your reader will be too.
2. No research involved - If you couldn't be bothered to invest much time into research, your reader may not be bothered to invest in your writing either.
3. Refuse to edit - Editing your own work can seem scary and tedious in the extreme, but it's essential!
4. Refuse rewrites - The bane of many writers, this is actually an opportunity for cleaning up and tightening down. Now is when you prove your dedication to your craft!
5. You don't READ - How in the world can you produce good, sound, healthy writing if you don't read? The answer? You can't!

  Here's a quote (that's actually two) on the subject from a well-known writer:
"I always have strong feelings when I write a book. Sometimes when I'm writing a book, I even cry when I'm writing. Once I read a quotation that I thought was very true for me, which is: 'No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader.'" - Eve Bunting.
  So, if you think that your writing could use a shot in the arm, give it a boost with some vitamin YOU! Inject your passion, your time, and real effort into your writing and watch it become infused with the rosy, robust glow of good health!

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