Sometimes writing can be a lonely business. Now, don't get me wrong, most writers are solitary creatures that treasure their alone time if for nothing more than to think. I'm the same way. On those rare occasions when I find myself alone, I revel in the peace and quiet that allows me to write, plan, map, draw, paint, or even doze. Yet. Yet... as with most other artists, I like feedback. Is anyone reading my material? And if so, what do they think of it? Has my work had the desired effect on my readers? Has my writing resonated with anyone?
Well, I was priviledged recently to be the literary guest of the NOT JUST BOOKS bookclub. It was a wonderful and refreshing affair in which the members rated my novel, Chickenhawk, on a 1 - 10 scale, asked questions, and shared their opinions. It was great hearing ardent readers acknowledge my work and intelligently discuss various aspects of my novel. It was downright exciting! There was even good food, drinks, games and goodie bags! I honestly had a great time and can't thank the members of rhe NOT JUST BOOKS bookclub enough for choosing my novel to review, and for inviting me to join in its discussion at their meeting. A special shout-out goes to Ms. Brenda Sidberry for suggesting my novel to the bookclub, and for being such a lovely and gracious hostess.
And selfishly speaking, it felt good hearing that folks liked my book. Very good. Thank you so much NOT JUST BOOKS!
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