BooksGoSocial Interviews Arnaldo Lopez Jr, the author of Chickenhawk!
Today we are chatting to Arnaldo Lopez Jr, author of Chickenhawk.
Tell us something unexpected about yourself!
I love nature and country living. I hope to someday own a farm and grow hops for the micro-brewery industry.
What kind of books do you write?
My first novel, Chickenhawk, is a crime/thriller. But I also enjoy science-fiction, fantasy, and horror. I am presently working on a fantasy novel.
What inspired you to write?
Reading! I love to read, and reading all of those great books over the years inspired me to strike out on my own.
What makes your writing stand out from the crowd?
I do a lot of research so that my writing, even though most of it is fiction, rings true and resonates with the reader. I also try to end each chapter of my novels with a cliffhanger.
What is the hardest part of writing – for you?
Rewrites! I’m not certain how other writers feel about it, but going over my writing four, five, six or more times searching for errors just annoys me!
Where do you like to write – what is your routine?
Well, I hate to admit it but my favorite place to write is my bed! It’s usually quiet in my bedroom and I keep a host of reference material, as well as snacks and beverages, within easy reach on my nightstand!
What do you do when you are not writing – do you have a day job?
I recently retired after almost 30 years with NYC Transit. So no day job for me, not anymore anyway! When I’m not writing, I’m reading, painting, drawing, watching t.v. or a movie, playing a video game, or puttering around the house or garden.
Do you work with an outline or just write?
I always have a rough outline and character outlines before I start, but usually the characters take over and write their own stor
What advice would you have for other writers?
Write! Tell your story and get it out there. The world deserves to hear your voice.
How important is marketing and social media for you?
Marketing, promotion, and social media are extremely important to me when it comes to my writing.
What’s your next step?
My next step is to finish this fantasy novel my son and I are collaborating on, and then move on to the next project.
Chickenhawk by Arnaldo Lopez Jr is available here.