
award-winning crime thriller by Arnaldo Lopez Jr.

Monday, May 16, 2016

BooksGoSocial Interviews Arnaldo Lopez Jr

BooksGoSocial Interviews Arnaldo Lopez Jr, the author of Chickenhawk!


Today we are chatting to Arnaldo Lopez Jr, author of Chickenhawk.

Tell us something unexpected about yourself!

I love nature and country living. I hope to someday own a farm and grow hops for the micro-brewery industry.

What kind of books do you write?

My first novel, Chickenhawk, is a crime/thriller. But I also enjoy science-fiction, fantasy, and horror. I am presently working on a fantasy novel.

What inspired you to write?

Reading! I love to read, and reading all of those great books over the years inspired me to strike out on my own.

What makes your writing stand out from the crowd?

I do a lot of research so that my writing, even though most of it is fiction, rings true and resonates with the reader. I also try to end each chapter of my novels with a cliffhanger.

What is the hardest part of writing – for you?

Rewrites! I’m not certain how other writers feel about it, but going over my writing four, five, six or more times searching for errors just annoys me!

Where do you like to write – what is your routine?

Well, I hate to admit it but my favorite place to write is my bed! It’s usually quiet in my bedroom and I keep a host of reference material, as well as snacks and beverages, within easy reach on my nightstand!

What do you do when you are not writing – do you have a day job?

I recently retired after almost 30 years with NYC Transit. So no day job for me, not anymore anyway! When I’m not writing, I’m reading, painting, drawing, watching t.v. or a movie, playing a video game, or puttering around the house or garden.

Do you work with an outline or just write?

I always have a rough outline and character outlines before I start, but usually the characters take over and write their own stor

What advice would you have for other writers?

Write! Tell your story and get it out there. The world deserves to hear your voice.

How important is marketing and social media for you?

Marketing, promotion, and social media are extremely important to me when it comes to my writing.

What’s your next step?

My next step is to finish this fantasy novel my son and I are collaborating on, and then move on to the next project.

Chickenhawk by Arnaldo Lopez Jr is available here.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The state of contemporary Latino literature

What is the state of contemporary Latino literature?  Sad to say that I'm not entirely sure.  It is MUCH better than it used to be, but it's still a long way off from what it should be.  Contemporary black/African-American literature was at this same point several years ago when agents and publishers didn't take the work of (new) black writers seriously.  I mean, let's face it, for the publishing industry it's mostly about the bottom line.  They're a business and they need to make money.  For a long time, the publishing industry didn't see black writing as financially worth the trouble.  Then, when black readers turned to books written by black authors that were forced to seek alternative forms of publication, traditional publishing houses took a second look and started wooing the same black writers that they had largely heretofore ignored.  This spawned not only several new genres of writing, but also ignited a kind of renaissance of contemporary black writing.  Still, those same writers are hampered by the narrow and somewhat racist view that the publishing industry has of black writing and writers.  The success, financially and critically, of many of the books written by contemporary black writers has had the effect of having many agents and publishers pigeon-holing them into only those genres they helped create.  For many black writers trying to break into the industry by becoming traditionally published writers, if they write outside of the expected or accepted genres, their work is often rejected, misinterpreted, misunderstood, or if it does get published, it doesn't receive the promotion or categorization it deserves.  Case in point: an African-American woman writes a cookbook, but when she goes to a bookstore that is carrying it, she cannot find it in the shelves or displays with the other cookbooks. She finds it shelved in the African-American section even though the only thing black about the book was its author.  Because the publishing industry still doesn't understand or care to understand writers of color, they feel safer keeping them in tiny, well-defined boxes.  The same holds true for Latino(a) writers.  I wrote a crime fiction novel in which the main protagonist is Puerto Rican.  A major New York City based publishing
house was considering my novel but turned it down because they said that they could not figure out if it was actually a crime novel or an ethnic novel, and so would have trouble marketing it.  I've had several agents suggest that I make the main protagonist other than Puerto Rican since most readers equate Puerto Ricans with committing crimes rather than solving them!  And of course I have had agents and publishers suggest that I had write "magic realism" instead ala Gabriel Garcia Marquez.  Not too long ago Latin America did see a literary movement known as the "Latin American Boom in which many writers in the region emulated Garcia Marquez with the publication of many fine works that were associated with this style or genre of writing.  But I'm talking the good ol' USA, right here and right now.  In a about a decade, Latinos are going to be the majority here, and there are so many non-Latinos that just don't or don't care to understand their neighbors, and this of course goes for the publishing industry as well.  People of color write science-fiction, Fantasy, Romance, Mysteries... and yes cookbooks, and their work should be accepted or rejected solely on its merits, and works that do see publication should not be relegated to those shelves in bookstores that are the literary equivalent of ghettos.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The "Writing" Closet

This is reprinted from a blogpost that I originally wrote on Thursday, August 15, 2013

There is written in Matthew 6:6 (KJV), in what has often been described as the most successful book ever written; the Holy Bible, that, "When thou prayest, enter thy closet, and when thou has shut thy door, pray to your father which is in secret..."
Wow, that's deep, and what does it have to do with writing and writers nowadays?  Well, I'll try to tie it all together.  A writer of Christian books spoke to me recently and said she was struggling with her latest book.  She stated that with the kids around, the pets, the husband, and the ensuing clutter, she just couldn't find a decent place to just sit down and write.  In today's hustle-bustle society where the average household often has to have two working parents, finding that "Writing Closet" that you can just enter and shut the door, where you can write to your muse in relative quiet and secrecy, is tough!  That's why if a person is serious about writing he/she must take the time and create the space to actually write.  One thing about writing and writers is that we're constantly being bombarded by distractions, and it can be easy to just give in and set our latest project aside while we tend to other, less literary, matters.
Don't let not having a place to write, or not having enough peace and quiet, or having to run errands, or whatever keep you from your work.  And yes, it is work.  You should treat your writing like a job and prepare a place and time where all you do is write, research, edit, stare out the window... whatever it is you do when you write.  Work it out with friends, family, hubby, wifey, the kids, whoever, that when you enter a particular room or sit at a particular place at a set time, you're essentially at work.  This actually works best when you actually have a room you can go into.  Let the spouse watch the kids while you work on your latest blockbuster!  A famous writer once said that you must write like you're digging a ditch, and he's right.  Writing, while a pleasure, can also be tedious, lonely, frustrating, scary... well, you know.  And there aren't any awards handed out to those of us that found the most excuses not to write.  If you're serious about writing, you have to treat it seriously.  Like a job.  Find a spot.  Sit down.  Get 'er done.
And don't forget, plenty of bestsellers were written on trains and buses while the author commuted back and forth his/her actual job.  J.K. Rowling wrote some of her first Harry Potter book on napkins while sitting in a diner.
So c'mon, find a spot.  Write.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Interview with the Latino Books Examiner

Bio:  Arnaldo Lopez Jr was an employee of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in New York City for 28 years, and was formerly employed as a dispatcher with the NYPD. Mr. Lopez is also a speaker and trainer, speaking on subjects as diverse as terrorism and customer service. He created the civilian counter-terrorism training program currently in use by New York City Transit and many other major public transportation agencies around the country. As well as writing, Mr. Lopez is an artist and photographer, having sold several of his works over the years. As a writer he’s sold articles to Railway Age magazine, The Daily News magazine, Homeland Defense Journal, and Reptile & Amphibian magazine; scripts to Little Archie and Personality Comics; and short stories to Neo-Opsis magazine, Lost Souls e-zine, Nth Online magazine, Blood Moon magazine, and various other Sci-Fi and/or horror newsletters and fanzines. He was also editor of Offworld, a small science fiction magazine that was once chosen as a "Best Bet" by Sci-Fi television. Chickenhawk is his first novel.

Q: Please tell us about Chickenhawk, and what compelled you to write it.
A: While working nights as a token booth clerk for the MTA, I couldn’t help but observe the comings and goings of the young male prostitutes that plied their trade in the surrounding area, and their usually well-heeled johns. Not to mention the cops trying to stop it all.

Q: What is your book about?
A: Chickenhawk is an award-winning urban crime thriller. A serial killer is targeting the young, male prostitutes that make their living on the mean streets of New York City.  Eddie Ramos and Tommy Cucitti are the homicide detectives hot on his trail. But the killer manages to stay below their radar while the body count keeps climbing in a city that’s turning into a powder keg.

Q: What themes do you explore in Chickenhawk?
A: In Chickenhawk I explore the dark side of race relations, politics, sexuality, illness, madness, and infidelity

Q: Why do you write?
A: As anyone that knows me would tell you, I love to tell stories!

Q: When do you feel the most creative?
A: Late afternoon to evening, I’m definitely not a morning person.

Q: How picky are you with language?
A: Very picky! My characters have to sound authentic!

Q: When you write, do you sometimes feel as though you were being manipulated from afar?
A: No, not at all. When I write I create and immerse myself in my own world.

Q: What is your worst time as a writer?
 A: Doing rewrites!

Q: Your best?
A: Starting and finishing!

Q: Is there anything that would stop you from writing?
A: Well, there are plenty of things that do temporarily stop me from writing: work, family, chores … but stop me permanently? No.

Q: What’s the happiest moment you’ve lived as an author?
A: Seeing people I don’t know reading my novel, and once being recognized while taking the NYC subway.

Q: Is writing an obsession to you?
A: No, not really. It’s definitely more of a pleasure.

Q: Are the stories you create connected with you in some way?
A: There’s a little of me, my experiences and my backstory, in everything that I write.

Q: Ray Bradbury once said, “You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.” Do you agree?
A: Wow, not really! Writing is a wonderful vocation or even avocation, but reality is where we live.

Q: Do you have a website or blog where readers can find out more about you and your work?